Saturday, May 5, 2012

Courtroom Artists

Lately, I've been obsessed with courtroom art and the idea of working as a court artist.  I pride myself on being able to quickly and effectively sketch people.  In fact, I spent about two years carrying a sketchbook with me everywhere and spontaneously drawing marker portraits in about a 15 minute range of time.  It greatly improved my drawing skills.

It may sound a little boring at first, but through a little research, I've found that courtroom artists can add as much personality and stylistic flair as any other portraitist.  Here's come of my favorites:

First, here's Mona Shafer Edwards, courtroom artist to the stars.  The above depicts one of Courtney Love's trips to court.  Formerly a fashion artist (it shows, no?), Edwards was the artist for the OJ trials, as well as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.  I really love the erratic black line work coupled with the light color.  She does a great job of exaggerating recognizable features.  

British artist K. Rubins was perhaps not as objective as possible when depicted a trial concerning police brutality visited upon protesters.  But I adore the whimsical, cartoony look.  It almost reminds me of Quentin Blake.

Here's another cartoony one of the unabomber by Vicki Behringer.  Reminds me of a political cartoon or caricature.  

Finally my favorite, Gary Myrick.  The saturated color!  The expression!  The flesh!  There is a lot of humor in his work, even though the situations are serious.  He works in Texas,and honestly, from the looks of his subjects, you can tell.  Everything is bigger in Texas (hair, boobs, whatever).  He's awesome.

You can find more of these artists' work by googling them.  I highly encourage it, especially for those interested in becoming figurative artists.  Our professors are always telling us to go out and draw from life.  Here's a group of artists who literally do that every day, completing many drawings a day.  After years of doing this, their skill is unparalleled.  So remember kiddies, just because someone gets a regular paycheck and isn't up in a museum, does not mean they are people to look down your nose at.  These people rock!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spring 2012 Work

Finally got all of my work back from finals.  My favorites from printmaking and figure drawing, as well as a teaser image for my upcoming comic story, Electro Scream.

You Have No Power Over Me

Detail 1

Detail 2

Ok, I'm not much of a printmaker.  All of the different processes are very counter-intuitive to me.  But I love silk screening!  This is my final (all of my work involved pop culture icons accompanied with a related phrase) along with a couple of detail images.  If you don't know (which a couple of people from class didn't) this is baby Toby from Labyrinth, with lyrics from "Dance Magic" and a transfer of a barn owl, which David Bowie's character has the ability to disguise himself as.  LOVE!

Nervous Gnaw

Here's an in class multi-media drawing.  If you make me work with charcoal, expect me to go above and beyond to make it funky.  It's charcoal, acrylic wash, white chalk, and red pastel.  

I Am Queen in a Land That Doesn't Forget
The piece for which my profile picture was taken.  Self portrait (obviously), prisma and copic markers on Arches paper.  

Haunted Art School

Figure drawing final.  Everything I planned went wrong with this piece, so I decided to say "eff it" and just went crazy with it.  Also, when in doubt, splatter!  Marker, watercolor, pastel, chalk, and silver paint.


Second piece of the final for figure drawing.  Only stipulations was that the drawing depicted two figures in an interior.  These are my friends, a married couple.  He has MS, which messes with his mental faculties, causing him to have faulty memory among other things.  I made this piece to show the effect of this disease on him and on his marriage.  He and his wife can fight like any couple, but in the end, she takes care of him, and gives him a safe haven.  I inserted my friend Derek in the back as a sort of anthropomorphic representation of the disease, a malevolent lurker in their lives. 

Electro Scream

And finally, a teaser image from my upcoming, in progress comic(?) painting story, Electro Scream.  Neat-o, yeah?